How do I add value to your projects?
I am a creative problem solver that brings a strong analytical approach combined with cross-cultural insights and a deep understanding of the accelerating change happening in most industries and with the consumer to help build your business.
I often get asked, “How do I do it?” My answer is simple. I approach all problems with a passion to solve them using a modified scientific method.
I approach the situation with an open, inquisitive mind and a lot of energy.
I listen well to what everyone has to say about the problem and do my own research.
I study, organize, and prioritize all the relevant information discovered.
I formulate my own hypotheses and listen to those of others.
I test the hypotheses with numerous people, interactively improving and sorting them.
I try to look forward to anticipating what the situation might look like based on the environment today and what it might look like in the future as things change.
I present my conclusions and recommendations clearly in a reasonable time frame.